Our deep nestbox design is very safe for owlets due to a 460mm drop from the entrance hole to the bottom and an exercise platform with a raised edge.
If you’re tempted to think that the design doesn’t really matter – these photos will surely make you think again. Every year, nestling Barn Owls fall from poorly designed nestboxes and sadly die.
- Young Barn Owls can walk from 3 weeks old, but they can’t fly until they are around 8-9 weeks old.
- Fallen owlets are ignored by adults. They either starve or are taken by predators.
- Poorly designed nestboxes with the entrance hole on the same level as the nest are a cause.
- This box has an exercise platform that has no edge..
- Nest debris can build up inside so that the internal drop is greatly reduced.
- No exercise platform means owlets can fall straight from the nestbox opening.
- The entrance hole to this box is still too low leading to a fallen owlet.
- Boxes must be maintained. Jackdaws will fill a box with twigs very quickly.
- We have been recommending deep nestbox designs since 1997, but poor designs are still widely available.
- So what can be done to keep Barn Owls safe at sites where the only available nesting place is an old, unsafe box like this one?
- Put up a new, safe box in a higher place and leave the old box in place for at least a month. There is every likelihood that the owls will move straight across.
- We have monitored hundreds of deep boxes since 1997 and owlets rarely fall from them, if they are properly maintained.
- Deep tree boxes too! The exercise tray and flat roof enable fledglings to get from the box into the tree and back more easily.
- The ultimate polebox! This super-deep nestbox features an exercise platform that goes all the way around, providing maximum safety for emerging young.
- Another poor design . . .
- Two owlets fell from this nestbox from the same brood.
- If only the nestbox had been of a better design.
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- Choose the right nestbox. In a building, on a tree or up a pole – which box is best for your site?
- How to build an indoor Barn Owl nestbox. Free plans!
- Where to position a Barn Owl nestbox in a building.
- Buy a ready-made owl box.