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Barn Owl nests and eggs

Facts about Barn Owl eggs and nests:

  • Barn Owls usually lay between 4 and 6 rather small, white eggs.
  • The main nesting season is March to August.
  • The ‘nest’ is often a layer of old owl pellets.
  • Traditional nest sites are often used for many generations.
  • Nesting places are usually high up and hidden.
  • Incubation begins as soon as the first egg is laid, lasting for 31-32 days.
  • Eggs hatch every 2-3 days, usually in the order they were laid.

Barn Owl Nest Eggs 02

Fresh Barn Owl eggs are white

Barn Owl Nest Eggs Nestling

Eggs become soiled during incubation

Barn Owl Nest Eggs Adult

Female incubating eggs

Barn Owl Nest Eggs Young 02

An extreme example of egg discolouration

Barn Owl Nest Eggs 01

It’s common for one or two eggs to not hatch

Barn Owl Nest Eggs Young Kevin Keatley

Barn Owl eggs hatch at different times

Barn Owl Nest Eggs Young Inigo Fajardo

This is called ‘asynchronous’ hatching

Barn Owl Nest Eggs Nest Debris Layers

7 years nest debris layers showing unhatched eggs

Barn Owl Nest Eggs Cob Wall

Recent nest debris on a wall top

Barn owl nest eggs wildlife tower cropped

Adult females moult while nesting

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