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Rat Poison Rodenticide Neosorexa On FarmAs you’ve probably heard by now, most owls (including 95% of Barn Owls), raptors, and even hedgehogs contain rat poison. Under EU regulations, member states are permitted to authorise the sale and use of rodenticides (rat poisons) for five years at a time. As part of the current review, the EU’s European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is investigating alternatives to the use of poison through a 60-day round of Public Consultation.

Given our success in the UK review and our 126,000-strong petition in 2014, our Trustees were keen for us to respond – so we did! The alternative we’ve recommended is principally Improved Environmental Management (stopping or reducing rat access to food and harbourage) and, where strictly necessary, the use of multi-catch automatic electrocution devices which are the most humane way of killing. You can read our full response here.

Safer rat control
Rats and rat poison