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Barow pair nestbox loc 2171 [peter gillett] 220815 (u) 800x568 nbox hub

Best place for your Barn Owl nestbox

Discover the different options for Barn Owl nest places, and which is best for your site.

Nestboxing 2 loc1508 new house stall lisa [david ramsden]211105 (a) resized

Clearing out Barn Owl nest spaces

Find out when and how to clear out your Barn Owl nest space.

Barow barncon 2 day id 43147 [alistair kilburn] 251014 (b).jpg resized

Barn Owl nest spaces in buildings

Learn about creating a nest space within your home or an out-building.

14 nestbox indoor assembly [david ramsden] 181114 (a) cropped nbox hub

Barn Owl boxes for inside buildings

Find out about best indoor Barn Owl nestbox design, free plans, and where and how to put them up.

Barow tree nestbox 2 loc 1871 [jeremy peak] 130113 (a).jpg resized

Barn Owl boxes for trees

Find out about Barn Owl nestbox for trees design, free plans, and where and how to put them up.

Llp north park polebox 10 [david ramsden] 220408 (b) resized

Pole-mounted boxes for Barn Owls

Find out about best pole-mounted nestbox for Barn Owls design, free plans, and where and how to put them up.

Llp wildlife tower [david ramsden] 190712 (b) resized and flipped

How to build a wildlife tower

Would you like to build something that offers roosting and nesting places for a plethora of wildlife species?

Tawny on nest box [kevin keatley] 230516 (b) cropped nbox hub

Tawny Owl nestboxes

Find out about best Tawny Owl nestbox design, free plans, and where and how to put them up.


Litow pair nestbox perched [ann williamson] 300110 (o) resized

Little Owl nestboxes

Find out about best Little Owl nestbox design, free plans, and where and how to put them up.

Report a Barn Owl sighting

You can report a Barn Owl sighting confidentially on our Barn Owl Survey website. We use this data to help monitor population levels and road casualties, and to influence planning where possible.

Barn Owl Trust Survey Website