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February 2025
More Bluebell leaves were appearing in Corner Wood on the 1st and 2nd. The Snowdrops around some of the Apple trees at the top of Forde Orchard were blooming.The cattle were due to be removed on the 3rd however, we recorded another first for the LLP when Harry, on his...
Wildlife Diary January 2025
The year began with a mean temperature of 7.8°C and rain. The 2nd was dry with a beautiful sunny morning and frost in the shade, the mean temperature dropped to 2.8°C. Song Thrush, Robin, Dunnock and Great Tits were loud in song. Nuthatch calling near Field Shelter in...
Nestbox Occupancy Research Project – Update Dec 2024
In 2023, we began our current research project ultimately looking to answer the question: “How likely is it that a newly erected Barn Owl nestbox will be used by a Barn Owl, or other species?” The project involves our Conservation Team installing a total of 90 new...
Wildlife Diary December 2024
On the 2nd December Josh and Harry started work on repairing the stream bed between the two ponds. They worked on it for three days and by the end of the week the stream was flowing beautifully, long may it continue. On the 3rd we had a dry day with unusually, a blue...
Wildlife Diary November 2024
The start of the month was mild, cloudy and overcast. The goats escaped from the Main Field and were collected from a neighbour on the 2nd, they were shut in Kiln Close whilst we tried to discover how they got out. There was a Barn Owl in the Kestrel provision...
Wildlife Diary October 2024
A pair of very steady Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) appeared on the Flo Pond on the 1st and were around for much of the day. Parasol mushrooms (Macrolepiota procera) emerged in the grass on the edge of the long path during the first week of the month. Heavy...
Poetry Competition 2024
Calling All Poets! 🗣️ We are delighted to announce our eighth poetry competition and invite YOU to take part! This Year’s Theme: Empowering Earth. Explore the beauty and inspiration found in nature through your poetry. Let your words paint vivid landscapes, capture...
Wildlife Diary September 2024
Small bird numbers on the winter bird food crop seem to be increasing every day 150- 200 were seen on the 3rd, predominantly Linnets with Goldfinch and other species mixed in. Harry and volunteer Guy burnt up all the brash and wood in the orchard. Our first ever...
Wildlife Diary August 2024
Between the 5th and the 12th David and Harry worked on the abstraction point in the river which feeds the ponds. Blocking has been a constant problem since the ponds were created in November 2006. The system was redesigned in 2010, but it still blocked regularly,...