View the latest UK Barn Owl Distribution Map
DISCLAIMER – please note that these contacts are independent and not part of the Barn Owl Trust.
ERRORS – we do our best to keep details up to date. Please notify errors and updates by email. Thank you.
Barn Owl conservation and monitoring: Independent groups or projects who encourage / monitor wild Barn Owls / erect nestboxes / give land management advice / BTO ringing.
See which parts of your region are suitable for Barn Owls
Sorry, we don’t have any contacts in your county. If you fulfil this role in this area, please contact us.
Independent owl carers who take in casualty owls – assess / treat / rehabilitate / release / provide sanctuary. About Owl rescue.
- Goff Bates
- 07814 452649
National helplines: RSPCA 0300 1234999 and Raptor Rescue 0870 2410609
Ecological Consultants trained by the Barn Owl Trust to assess development sites, design mitigation strategies for Barn Owls and produce reports to aid your planning application.
- Barrett Environmental Ltd.
- Trina Barrett 01388 526978 07815 149754
- Durham Dales Ecology
- Fran Mudd 07525 128 586
- Ecology by Design
- Connor Pimm
- Ecosurv Ltd
- Miss Kay Richardson 07498 316764
- JP Environmental Solutions
- Jonathan Pounder 07980 581437
Barn Owl conservation and monitoring: Independent groups or projects who encourage / monitor wild Barn Owls / erect nestboxes / give land management advice / BTO ringing.
See which parts of your region are suitable for Barn Owls
North Northumberland
- Phil Hanmer
Independent owl carers who take in casualty owls – assess / treat / rehabilitate / release / provide sanctuary. About Owl rescue.
- Falconry Days Bird of Prey Rescue
- 01434 689 681 0776 675 2711
National helplines: RSPCA 0300 1234999 and Raptor Rescue 0870 2410609
Ecological Consultants trained by the Barn Owl Trust to assess development sites, design mitigation strategies for Barn Owls and produce reports to aid your planning application.
- Barrett Environmental Ltd.
- Trina Barrett 01388 526978 07815 149754
- Ecology by Design
- Connor Pimm
- EnviroCentre Ltd
- Aisling Wallace 0141 341 5040
- Rachel Forsyth (Freelance)
- 07883342560
- GSL Consultant Ecologists
- Graeme Smart 0191 6070668
- SAP Ecology & Environmental Ltd
- Sarah Parkin 07392 758835
- Stephen Parkin 07388 893970
- Total Ecology
- Ian Craft 01434 632285 07772 920186
Tyne and Wear
Barn Owl conservation and monitoring: Independent groups or projects who encourage / monitor wild Barn Owls / erect nestboxes / give land management advice / BTO ringing.
See which parts of your region are suitable for Barn Owls
Sorry, we don’t have any contacts in your county. If you fulfil this role in this area, please contact us.
Independent owl carers who take in casualty owls – assess / treat / rehabilitate / release / provide sanctuary. About Owl rescue.
Sorry, we don’t have any contacts in your county. If you fulfil this role in this area, please contact us.
National helplines: RSPCA 0300 1234999 and Raptor Rescue 0870 2410609
Ecological Consultants trained by the Barn Owl Trust to assess development sites, design mitigation strategies for Barn Owls and produce reports to aid your planning application.
- Barrett Environmental Ltd.
- Trina Barrett 01388 526978 07815 149754
- Ecology by Design
- Connor Pimm
- Ecosurv Ltd
- Miss Kay Richardson 07498 316764
- Michelle Nesbitt 0191 255 7321 07557 203753